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DAEMount 1.7.1
Release Date: June 24, 2007
DAEMount is a "shell" front-end for DAEMON Tools.
It lets you mount a disk image (CUE/BIN, ISO, CCD, CDI, BWT, MDS, NRG, IMG, ISZ, B5T) by double-clicking on the file icon.
If more than a virtual cd-rom is enabled, it lets you select where to mount the image.
Download: DAEMount 1.7.1 (97KB)
Download: DAEMount 1.7.1 en Español (32KB)
Download: DAEMount 1.7.1 Français (34KB)
Requires DAEMON Tools:
DAEMON Tools is an excellent FREE virtual CD-ROM that let you play PSX games with the VGS and Bleem directly from your hard disk without have to burn a CD.
Supports (CDRWin's CUE+BIN, ISO Images and CloneCD's images). It's very useful to save batteries on your laptop and for use with other standard Windows applications.
If you're using Windows 95, it's required the USB support file.
Download: DAEMON Tools 4.0.3
Download: Windows 95 OSR 2.1 USB Support (951KB)
Other Related files:
- Third Party Tools for DAEMON Tools 4.0x
- Third Party Tools for DAEMON Tools 3.x
NOTES: DAEMON Tools 4.03 have changed it API interface and it is not longer possible auto-detect the drive letter for the virtual-dvd. So DAEMount by default assumes that you have 1 physical CD/DVD drive (with the lower drive letter) and that the rest are virtual-dvd drives. You can override this behavior and specify manually how many virtual-dvd drives you have and their specific drive letter adding the following keys to the registry (modify them with your own values):
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Daemount\Settings]
How to Manually Install DAEMount:
Place the DAEMount.exe in your Windows directory
Place daemount.ini in the Windows directory
Run daemount.exe
DAEMount Features?
The registry patch adds to the following functions to the right-click
menu of CUE, ISO, BWT, MDS, NRG, B5T, PDI, IMG, ISZ and CCD files:
- Mount (By default in device 0 if only one device and GUI is not shown)
- Unmount (By default device 0)
- Edit (Edit CUE file with Notepad)
- Executes VGS automatically if mounting a PSX image.
What's new in 1.7.1?
- Support for Compressed ISO (*.isz) (requires DAEMON Tools 4.0.9 or later)
What's new in 1.7.0?
- Partial support for DAEMON Tools 4.0.x
- DAEMount works better with DAEMON Tools 3.47
What's new in 1.6.1?
- Added support for Instant CD/DVD images (pdi).
- Added support for *.IMG images.
What's new in 1.6?
- Added support for BlindWrite5 images (B5T)
- New minimize to system tray
What's new in 1.5.1?
- Multi-language support.
You can edit daemount-lang.ini and translate the strings to your own language.
What's new in 1.5?
- Eject/Reload Image
- Enable/Disable all emulations
- Changed how the image name is displayed in the status bar
- Support for custom CD icon: put cd.ico in Windows directory
- Other minor changes
What's new in 1.46?
- Option to unmount all images.
- Unmount from Explorer now unmounts the selected image.
if the image is not mounted, all images are unmounted.
- Mount without GUI uses an intelligent mount system:
- Mount if the first empty device.
- if all the devices are mounted, use a round robbin order.
What's new in 1.45?
- Now mount Nero images (*.nrg). Nero's ImageDrive should be installed.
- Now shows correctly drives (P-Z)
- Use custome CD icon (Put cd.ico in Windows directory)
What's new in 1.44?
- Show drive letter in Windows NT/2000
- Option to re-associate/fix file extensions in change the program is moved from its original location.
- Other minor changes.
What's new in 1.43?
- Bug fix for Windows NT/2000 and Windows installed on other directory than C:\Windows
- Support for additional file types like DiscJuggler.
- History entry is removed when the file is not found.
What's new in 1.42?
- Force mount option: Unmounts the image (if mounted) before mount a new one.
- Menu option to quickly edit the daemount.ini script.
- Fixed start PSX emulator when a Playstation disc is inserted.
- Recognize discs with PSX.EXE in the root as a Playstation disc.
What's new in 1.41?
- Fixes for proper integration with DAEMON Tools 2.7x and above
What's new in 1.4?
- Do not check that a valid PSX game is mounted to run the script
- New DAEMount-Script commands:
SetRegistry HKEY_CLASSES, "registry-path", "key", "value"
SetRegistry HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "registry-path", "key", "value"
SetRegistry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "registry-path", "key", "value"
Chdir "path"
AppActivate "title-of-the-window-to-activate"
SendKeys "keys-to-send"
What's new in 1.3?
- Remember the last 6 mounted images.
What's new in 1.2a?
- Now uses the Daemon API if version 2.41 or later is installed.
- Updated readme.txt with new URL and email address.
What's new in 1.2?
- Added support for mounting BlindWrite images. To be supported in DAEMON Tools 2.3 and above.
- Scripting capabilities (check the readme.txt & daemount.ini for additional info).
What's new in 1.0g?
- New GUI look.
- Auto-create missing CUE files.
What's new in 1.0f?
- Mount images by drag & drop the file over the device button.
- Auto-install registry settings if daemount.reg is not applied.
- Fix auto-detection of VGS if vgs.exe path was uppercase.
What's new in 1.0e?
- Place daemount.ini in the Windows directory to execute a list
of applications after you mount a PSX image. For instance: PEC, VGSJoy, VGS or Bleem
What's new in 1.0d?
- Changes for Win2K
What's new in 1.0c?
- Changed Right click to device menu
- Shift+Click = Open device with Windows Explorer
- Ctrl+Click = Unmount device
- Added Mount as and Mount without close DAEMount
- Read device count from System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Daemon\Parameters on NT/2000.
- Try to mount a device already mounted opens the Windows Explorer.
- Use F5 to refresh devices
What's new in 1.0b?
- Readme.txt, daemount.reg
- Double click on the device button to mount the image
- Right click on the device button to unmount it
What's new in 1.0a?
- Tooltip that shows current mounted image in each device.
- Mounted images are shown in white / unmounted in gray.