This is not an official FAQ and it's not supported in any way by Connectix.
I don't take any responsibility for any damage that some of software below could cause in your system.
Q: I got VGS demo, where do I get VGS full?
Q: Does VGS run in Windows 2000 or Windows XP?
Q: Does VGS run in Windows Me and/or DirectX8?
A: Yes it does. If yours doesn't work, try updating your sound and video card drivers.
Q: Does VGS run in Pentium 4?
Q: Windows hangs when I press Esc key. How do I solve this?
A: It seems to be a conflict between the video drivers and DirectX. I had this problem before, but now it's gone after I reinstalled Windows.
An user reported me that he solved this converting the tnkXfs.dat to EXE with the
Video Patch
Q: How do I run in window mode or change the screen resolution in VGS?
Q: I get a black gap at the bottom of the screen in VGS 1.4
A: It's a bug in the version 1.4 and Connectix is aware of this problem.
It's already fixed in CVGS 1.41.
Q: Is there any patch for VGS that add scan lines, bilinear filtering or D3D acceleration?
A: No. You can use
ePSXe or PSEmu Pro that have these features through the plugins, or wait until Connectix decide to add them...
Q: Some games don't work in VGS. How to make them work?
Q: Why Final Fantasy 9 fails at end of disc 2? I'm using Kalisto's release of FF9
Q: Why VGS crashes with scsiport.pdr or scsi1hlp.vxd error and then system hangs on?
A: Try deleting the Nero's file C:\Windows\System\iosubsys\nerocd95.vxd. Updating to the newest version of Nero also fixes the incompatibility of this driver with VGS.
Q: What CD Emulator can I use with VGS?
Q: Why my "original" PSX CD are ejected on VGS?
Q: Does VGS work with backup CDs?
Q: Does VGS support 3D hardware acceleration?
Q: I receive a VxD error. Now what?
A: Several users have reported errors with memory modules, specially with 192MB RAM or above. Try using only 128MB RAM.
Another solution for some VxD errors is disabling the Direct3D acceleration in the Display tab of DXDiag, that is found in
C:\Program Files\directx\setup.
Remember to
enable it again, if you plan to run other emulators or games that use Direct3D.
Other users have reported solving their problems uninstalling Nero or needed to do a dirty reinstall of Win9x. Also Voodoo 1.05.00 seems to have problems, try driver version 1.04.00 installed together with DirectX 7a.
Another tip: Checking the SINCHRONIZE DATA TRANSFER (in device settings/ cdrom / properties) help with some problems under Windows ME.
Some users report that running an earlier version of VGS 1.3 or 1.4 or the VGS Tester fixes some crashes in VGS 1.41.
NOTE: If your system is working fine, DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING!!!
Q: Why I get "The CONNECTIX VGS.EXE file is linked to missing export MFC42.DLL:6663"?
A: Try downloading the latest
To replace this file with a newer version:
1. Download and unzip the
in C:\Temp
2. Shutdown and select
Restart in MS-DOS mode.
3. From the DOS prompt type:
copy c:\temp\mfc42.dll C:\windows\system\mfc42.dll
4. Type
EXIT and press ENTER to return to Windows
A simpler way is placing the MFC42.dll in the emulator directory.
Q: How do I copy/delete my saved games in the memory cards?
Q: Where to download save games?
A: These are some links where you will find saved games, mostly for bleem and GameShark:
You may try to convert them to VGS with my
conversion tools.
Q: My joypad isn't working with VGS?
Q: How do I increase the compatibility of VGS?
Q: What is GAMES.TXT?
A: GAMES.TXT is for
Connectix VGS the same NEMU64.INI is for NEMU64, or the ULTRA.INI for UltraHLE (these are populars N64 emulators).
It contains a set of settings that increase the compatibility of the emulator, just placing the file in the same directory of Connectix VGS.exe.
the fact is that the file works and eliminates the need of use many patches floating in the net, including the
VGS Generic Patcher.
Q: Chrono Cross movie hangs after the battle with shadow of LynxAnother?
A: Try checking the box SINCHRONIZE DATA TRANSFER in Device Settings/ Cdrom / Properties.
Q: Final Fantasy 9 hangs playing movies or show corrupted memory cards?
A: All you need is apply
Psytek's FF9 Fix 5 or the
501xx's Limited Edition 2 to VGS 1.41, and place
GAMES.TXT in the same directory of Connectix VGS.exe.
If you're using the pirated version of FF9 from Kalisto, you will have all kind of problems and I'm tired of being answering the same over and over, even when I have lot of alternatives in
FF9 Patches Section.
Q: How may I speed up VGS?
A: Obviously with a faster hardware. But there are some speed up tips through software that may help a bit:
- Try using the
SpeedUp utility, close all unnecesary tasks (except the 4-5 in the top of the list), free all posible RAM and set tnkXfs.dat to a higher priority..
- Gamespot has some tweaking tricks
- Try incresing the available memory.

You may use
- Try adjusting your CD performance

You may use
Winboost 2000 or manually through
Control Panel\System\Performance\File System\CD-Rom
- Try increasing CD cache

You may use
CD-Quick Cache
- If you have a Voodoo card, try tweaking it:

There are some tools at
- Try using VGS without any other background application.

You may use
Q: Any other way to speed VGS?
A: Some users report that turning off the sound inside some games reduce the frame skipping.
Q: How do I connect 2 PSX pads to the PC?
Q: Why my Dual-Shock controller does not vibrate with VGS?
A: VGS doesn't have implemented the force feedback. I've heard that some joypads can emulate it through the volume level of the sound FX.
ePSXe 1.20 supports force feedback.
Q: How do I know if I have DirectX 7a installed?
A: Run
It must show: DirectX Version:
DirectX 7.0 (
Q: What is a PSX ISO?
A: PSX ISO is usually refered to an image backup of a PlayStation CD. They are created with CD-R software, like: BlindRead (*.ISO), WinOnCD (*.C2D), CDRWin (*.CUE + *.BIN), Nero (*.NRG), CloneCD (*.IMG). An ISO file may contain both data and audio tracks in a single file. And it is usually of hundreds of MB.
ISOz is also the term used to refer pirated copies of CDs. You may use
IsoBuster to read/extract the content of a ISO without burn a CD.
Q: What is a PSX BIOS?
BIOS is a file containing the image of the ROM of the Playstation (operating system, instructions, etc). It's required by many freeware PlayStation
emulators, like
ePSXe and PSEmu Pro. VGS or Bleem do not require a BIOS file.
Q: What is a DexDrive?
DexDrive is a physical device that you attach to your real Playstation, to transfer data to/from the PC and the PSX.
For additional info, visit: Most of the
memory card converters translate from MEM to DexDrive format (GME).
Q: What is tnkXfs.dat in VGS?
A: tnkXfs.dat is a file created every time you run CVGS and required by the
VGS Video Patch for 800x600 and 1024x768.
This file of 1960KB (in v1.41 full) remains in your
C:\Windows\Temp until you delete it.
You should not mark this file (or create one in Temp) as read only, VGS will not work if tnkXfs.dat can't be created.
Try renaming
tnkXfs.dat to
tnkXfs.exe. You will discover that it gets the VGS icon!!
It seems that VGS is compressed in some way and this file is the uncompressed one.
tnkXfs.exe won't run if you double click it. It requires some tweak in the registry to make it work.
Another trivia note: Using a WindowSpy utility, it shows that the name of Windows Class of VGS is "
CVGS Double-Secret-Probation Mutex"