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Aldo's Macro Recorder 5.01
Release Date: November 4, 2008
Aldo's Macro Recorder is a small yet powerful tool that lets you record
keystrokes and mouse clicks easily. It will increase your productivity and
save you a lot of time on repetitive tasks. Aldo's Macro Recorder works with
*ANY* application: which includes spreadsheets, word processors, browsers,
as well as most MS Window applications. The included Macro Script allows
you to customize the macro and perform complex tasks in seconds. No
programming skills are needed!!!
It is as simple as pressing [Scroll Lock] to start recording your
keystrokes, mouse movements and mouse clicks. To stop recording press
[Scroll Lock] again. You can now play the "instant" macro at any time just
by pressing [F12] key.
* BUY the new Macro Recorder 5.01 here!! *
Download: Aldo's Macro Recorder 5.01 (467KB)

Did you know that you can use Visual Basic Script within your macros? Or that you can use Macro Recorder to download files from HTTP or FTP servers or to send emails? Or that you can automate your repetitive tasks in Microsoft Office or in DOS applications? Save hundreds of hours of labor with this small and easy to use tool!!
Other downloads:
Download: Microsoft VB Script Control 5.6
Install it if you plan to include VBScript in your Macros
Download: Examples of Macro Scripts (10KB) *NEW*
Demonstrate the power of Aldo's Macro Script within your Macros
Reference: VBScript Online Documentation
Download: KeyCodes - Display the codes of each key in your keyboard.
Download: Aldo's PocketScript for Pocket PC 2002 (666KB)
PocketScript is for ARM and I486 agendas, not for PC
FREE Upgrade!!
Registered Users with orders up to 18 months old get your FREE upgrade here
Please include your Order ID, and/or registered name/email to qualify.
Features in version 5.01?
- New Auto Type By Keyword™ let you create a quick list of keywords and the text to be auto-typed. Auto Type By Keyword™ supports plain text, sendkeys™ commands and macro calls
- New internal web browser with many script commands to automate the access to web pages
- Improved the Macro Editor: Keyword search filter, Quick Reference, New Find/Replace dialog, no word wrap
- Improved Macro Execution Scheduler window: auto-enable the scheduler when a new event is created
- New keyboard script commands: holdkey, releasekey, releaseallkeys, presskey
- New Getpixel function allows to detect a window change polling a pixel color
- Inputbox and message box can be displayed at a specific screen position
- Improved support for nested macros
- Variable arrays support
- Some bug fixes
Features in version 4.1?
- New wizard for new macros
- New macro script commands for database and Windows services
- New posturl function and FTP commands
- Some bug fixes
Features in version 4.0?
- New and easier to use User Interface
- Customizable hotkeys
- Improved macro editor
- Open/save macros within the editor
- Make macros read only within the editor
- Help window is now modeless
- Test macros without save
- More readable macro scripts
- New events for automatic macro execution:
- Scheduled macro executions
- Automatic macro execution when window appears, close, get focus or lose focus
- Automatic macro execution when the user types a keyword
- Automatic macro execution when a macro expression is true
- New and improved macro script commands
- Easier startup of applications (startup command)
- Improved user interface/dialogs (msgbox2, inputbox, showmenu, showoptions, askyesno)
- Click menus and buttons without move the mouse (click, clickmenu)
- New wait commands (waitwindow, waitclose, sleep)
- New text processing/parsing functions
- New text encryption and encoding functions
- New date manipulation functions
- Execute a macro within a macro and share value.
- New constants
- More API functions calls
- New installer/uninstaller
- New QuickCalc expressions evaluator
- Major improvements in macro script engine
- More documentation
Features in version 3.3.6?
- Mouse events in the macro script are now more human readable using File -> Convert to Macro Script.
- Window classes are now displayed in Macro Editor.
- New macro functions: findclass, classname, csv, empty, str
Features in version 3.3.3?
- New menu option that creates macro shortcut in the Desktop or in the specified folder.
- Fixed the Macro playback in DOS windows.
- Fixed the mouse recording on Windows 95/98/98SE
Features in version 3.3?
- Improved mouse recording, now record clicks up/down and drags.
Note: Macros recorded in earlier versions using mouse clicks are *not* compatible with this version.
- New macro expression evaluation, press F2 in the Macro Editor.
- New macro commands: eval, askyesno, Controlpanel.history, Controlpanel.dialupconnections, beep, goto
- New option that produce sound feedback while recording.
- Improved macro script engine for nested loops and nested if's.
- Improved the control of macro execution using Esc key or pressing Stop button to stop the macro.
- New command line switches: /m and /k to record a new macro (/m = mouse & keyboard, /k = keyboard only). Example:
Macro.exe /k "macro name"
Features in version 3.2?
- Macro editor show current mouse position and window handle at the mouse pointer.
- Fixed an issue with the recorded mouse clicks clicking on the Left,Top corner.
- Added new mouse commands to the macro script.
- Added sendkeys2 to send keystrokes to Windows applications using the same syntax of Visual Basic.
Features in version 3.1d?
- New interface for Play Only mode.
- Menu of recent macro directories (useful to organize macros by category in directories)
- More macro commands:
- open special folders (recycle bin, my computer, my documents, fonts, temporary internet files, etc.)
- new file operations: file.copynew, file.movenew, file.update, filecompare function
Features in version 3.1c?
- Macros can be marked as Read-Only.
- Create macro shortcut on any directory or desktop (F8)
- New macro toolbar (F7)
- More macro commands:
- readline, common clipboard commands, general delay
- Play Only mode does not allow recording through hotkey.
- Press Shift when selecting the macro from the tray menu to also execute it.
Features in version 3.1?
- New virtual desktop manager integrated to Macro Recorder.
- Script commands are listed by category in the command list in the macro editor.
- New macro manager allows to delete, rename and rearrange macros in the macro list.
- Now is easier to edit the list of AutoRun macros with the new AutoRun Macro Setup.
- Additional script commands and improvements:
- - file.copy / file.move now support wildcards
- - PlaySound, SelectDesktop, readini functions, disk drive info functions, path info functions, file.attrib, setwindowontop
Features in version 3.0?
- Improvements in graphical user interface: new icons, editor can be maximized, remember last position, fixed some color schemes.
- Macro Recorder now can start when user Log on Windows.
- New Autorun Macro: executes automatically a macro when a specified window opens.
- Several script improvements:
- FindWindow now accept wildcards
- Wait now can wait for a window, in addition to a number of milliseconds
- hWnd parameter in several script commands can use the Window Title
- changeres - change screen resolution temporarily or permanently
- sendmail - send email using Office's Outlook
- setpriority - change Windows process priority of a program to increase/decrease resource usage or terminate a task
- file commands: copy, move, rename, delete, etc.
- folder commands: create, delete
- Math functions: trigonometric/hyperbolic functions
Features in version 2.9?
- Play Only Mode
- New script dialogs: ShowOptions, ShowOpen, ShowSave, ShowBrowse
- Some bug fixes and improvements.
Features in version 2.8?
- New and improved window interface with menus.
- Added several new script commands and functions including Windows API calls to improve your macro customization capabilities.
- Macro now supports variables, conditional execution and loops (no nested).
- Macro stay in the system tray for easier access to macros (for fast exit, hold Ctrl key when closing the window)
- Improved macro editor help with search capability.
- Recorded mouse click commands are now displayed in a more readable way in the Macro Editor.
- Commands menu in Macro Editor let you enter frequent commands in an easy way.
- Fixed bug reading Ctrl/Shift/Alt in Windows 2000.
- Fixed {repeat} and {wait} commands.
- Several bug fixes and improvements.
Features in version 2.1?
- Macro now starts minimized in the system tray.
- Macro recorder supports basic scripting.
Example: {wait 100} {script}AppActivate "My App Title"{/script}.
- Added more macro script commands, like: {Repeat n}, {wait n}, {script}open "filename.ext"{/script}.
- Extended macro scripting is available through Microsoft ScriptControl.
- Improved the interpreter of recorded keys for the macro editor.
- Macro editor now includes a mini help for macro script.
- Changes in Macro user interface: now shows a preview of the code for the selected macro.
Features in version 1.3?
- Stop macro with ESC.
- New play macro button.
- Now user can define the macro hot keys.
- Quick select macro from system tray.
- Confirmation dialog in Clear button.
- Editor now recognizes Enter and num-pad gray keys.
Features in version 1.0c?
- Allows to select among the first 10 recorded macros using Alt+number (example Alt+2), then press F12 or Alt+Scroll
Lock to play the macro.
- Press F2 to edit the macro list and F5 to refresh the macro list.
- Selected macro is shown in the window title of Macro Recorder.
Features in version 1.0b?
- Added the option to replay macro with Alt + Scroll Lock in addition to F12. This avoids conflicts with Office and other programs that already use the F12.
- Improvements in the keyboard recording of Alt, Shift and Ctrl keys.
- Now the macro stays in the system tray, and has the ability to perform the macros from the command line.
- Record keystrokes (including combinations with Ctrl, Shift and Alt)
- Record mouse movements and clicked
- When recording mouse events the keystrokes and clicks are replayed with timer.
- Save macros for later use.
- Use the macro editor to customize and improve your macro.